Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Spiritual Food

This post was on my Myspace, but I decided to move it here so it would be available and known to those who visit this site. It was moved here June 26, 2005, and was written by me exactly two months ago.

I got to talk to a few guys at school today - it doesn't happen very often. I seem to have a shortage of guy friends at school that I actually talk to on a regular basis. Chri... Kris, Props to you for the Thursdays and for constantly reminding me that I'm just dirt! This chance to socialize, however, quickly transformed into quite a bit more than simply a conversation.We talked about sin, and frankly the views expressed in that conversation worried me.They seemed to think that since "no one is perfect" or "sin happens" that we are excused from its consquences, and that its not really a big deal if it dominates our lives. You'll find this view everywhere: at church, at school, at home, from your parents even. You'll find it anywhere... except the Bible. I've been reading Jeremiah for a while now, and I assure you, God does everything but accept the fact of sin. More often than not, God is quite brutal in how He disciplines those who continually reject His grace. Lets not make the same mistake the Israelites continually did.Besides, its not as if living a sinful life is better or easier than living a life of righteousness, which is seeking God and continually repenting of sin in your life. Check out Jeremiah 5:25:

"Your iniquities have turned these things away,
And your sins have withheld good from you."

God promises to bless those who heed His words and actively strive to reject sin and put their evil desires to death.So how do we get this blessing if we find ourselves in sin? We do like Jeremiah, and admit that we cannot be righteous or pure on our own. We need God to purify us. We ask him to cleanse us, even discipline us so that we will learn to do right.

"O LORD, I know the way of man is not in himself;
It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.
O LORD, correct me, but with justice;
Not in Your anger, lest you bring me to nothing."
- Jeremiah 10:23-24

Christians are not immune to sin, but we will not allow it to defeat us. We find victory in the life and death of Christ.

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