Saturday, December 03, 2005

Ephesians 4:20-24

Here’s my next journal from Ephesians! I hope it challenges you to truly live as you were called!

Paul basically confronts the Ephesians here, saying they do not know the truth, even though they have heard His words and essentially been taught by Him. If they had learned Christ, who is the truth, they would know this truth: that they have been renewed by God into a new man, no longer their old self which indulges in sin but now with a new mind. They have a mind that “was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”

Paul knows how important it is that Christians live like Christians, because he bothered to say it twice – once in verses 17-19, and again here. A change in lifestyle is so connected with becoming a Christian that, if such a change is not evident, one might venture to say: “you have not so learned Christ.” Either the person does not know the full truth of what becoming a Christian means and therefore is not being obedient, or they do not know Christ and the Holy Spirit is not in their heart, renewing their mind and transforming their life. The second possibility, although we pray for everyone that this is not the case, seems to be the most prevalent. I think this is true because if the Holy Spirit really was working in someone, teaching them the truth of freedom from sin and living a godly life would convict them and they would repent, but I hear so many people, when encouraged to live like Christ, tell me that they’re tired of hearing “the same old message” or that they hate how God is “getting shoved down their throats.” But how can that be the attitude of someone whose mind is renewed, someone who is putting off deceitful lusts and pursuing Christ to live like Him in righteous and holy living, set apart for God’s purposes alone? They are either lying to me (but I am not aware of anyone on fire for God who could or would even think about bringing themselves to say something like that), or more probably they have revealed what is truly in their heart. A life defeated by sin and characterized by separation from God – that is the only explanation I can think as to why someone would say that. I don’t want to judge anyone’s heart here, but I think we can use some good judgment. A lifestyle characterized by habitual sin and separation from God begs the question: “According to the Bible, is this what a Christian looks like? Can a Christian's life look like this?” I’m truly grateful that Christ has enabled me, and given me the power to have victory over many sins in my life, and as I grow in Him I look forward to continually being able to experience that victory more and more.

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