Wednesday, October 31, 2007

California Christian Apologetics Conference (IX)

Well we've made it! I actually got through a whole series! I hope you didn't get too sick of these and that they were encouraging to you and your walk as you seek to obey 1 Pet 3:15. The last session was, as with most conferences, a Q&A session with the all the speakers. For this one I think I'll just post my raw notes and insert some comments here and there. Do enjoy!

Since there will be food in heaven, will we have to go to the bathroom?

  • Bill Craig: If the resurrection body has perfect metabolism, there won't be any waste!!
  • Greg Koukl: Who ever answers that question deserves an applause!
  • Shawn Hayes: That was totally a made up joke question! (i.e., it was not on a card; Shawn, the host, made it up on the spot)

Do you believe the Holy Spirit can use passages that jump out at you?

  • Greg Koukl: There is no legitimate way for God to bless the abuse of His text.
    • However, it seems clear that HS uses certain verses real to us. When we understand it in truth, the verse applies to our experience, then that certainly is the HS working!
    • We can't think that He's changing the meaning for the reader.

Based on Rom 1:18-20, is it necessary to try to convince anyone that God exists?

  • Greg Koukl: Since we suppress the truth, the awareness is not always at the front of our minds.
    • We're simply using apologetics to bring out something that people already know. I count it as a great ally that I can use the knowledge that people already have when I'm arguing.
  • Doug Beaumont: Apologetics is about affecting the intellect and not necessarily the will, but when people have their intellect changed, their will has a hard time hanging on to that. It shows people what their real problem is: "I know it's true but I still don't want to believe it!"

Is all sin equal?

  • Bill Craig: I don't think we're committed to that. Distinguishing between "mortal sins" and venial sins. It would be crazy if we were committed to the view that torturing and murdering a child was no worse than j-walking.
  • Harold Felder: Every sin, although less serious, is enough to send you to hell
  • If you don't know you're committing it, are you still held accountable?
    • Harold Felder: yes, because there are provisions in the OT for atoning for sins you didn't know you committed.
    • Neil Mammen: No sin is necessary, but any sin is sufficient (to go to hell).

Breaking down the cultural walls of Islam?

  • Leeroy Lamar: Show them the love of Christ excessively! They don't experience love.

There are many interpretations of the Bible, so how can you say yours is correct?

  • Harold Felder: Let's just make sure we understand that there is only one [correct] interpretation.
  • Greg Koukl: The question seems to put all interpretations on par, but this is not warranted.
    • The person who has the best reasons gets to interpret any verse. It's not a crapshoot!

Please expound on the belief or disbelief of once saved always saved.

  • Doug Beaumont: We could have a whole other conference on this! The belief is that once you are saved, you can never become out of that state. Different views held by different Christians.
  • Neil Mammen: This is a theological issue, not an apologetics issue.

The idea on this one was that we shouldn't discuss internal issues with outsiders. I was actually disappointed that they didn't just answer this question. It's not that hard. You can't lose your salvation. As I heard Greg Koukl say once, "If the cross cancels sin, how can sin subsequently cancel the cross?" Or something like that…

What is the quickest and simplest way to defend my faith with an atheist in a short time?

  • Richard Howe: I would prefer to convert atheist to theism first.
    • The Kalam argument is so quick and simple.
  • Sean McDowell: Jesus never had one quick argument that he used with everyone. He tailored the message to his audience. Sometime the gospel has enough power in itself!
  • Bill Craig: "I don't see any good reason to believe that Atheism is true."
  • Greg Koukl: The atheist has to be committed to 4 big bangs
    • (1) Universe out of nothing, (2) life from non-life, (3) consciousness out of matter, (4) morality from nowhere!
    • Any reasonable person not committed to unbelief in God would be able to realize that this is absurd.

What is Kharma?

  • Origin is Hinduism. The word means "action." Every action is going to have consequence. In a New Age worldview, a spin is put on it: when you die, you will go somewhere and come back, and will have to keep doing that to live out your karma. What you did in previous lives determines your future lives. Past actions and previous lives determine your present life and future lives. The idea is to escape this, you have to stop doing bad actions so that you don't have to keep coming back and suffering.
    • Another use: "My car broke down this week, it is bad karma because of what I did last year."
  • Neil Mammen: If you don't let karma carry out, you'd mess it up for the person, so you'd never see a Hindu orphanage. Bumper sticker: "My karma ran over your dogma!"


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the Conference this year. I certainly had a great time. I put some pictures up on my website from the conference as well. Thank you for standing with us as we Stand for Truth.

Evan said...

Pastor Hayes!

What an honor to have the host commenting on my blog! It was a quality event and I look forward to another one next year, hopefully with even more people!!