Monday, September 24, 2007

California Christian Apologetics Conference (V)

For elective number two, I opted to attend the seminar titled “A Compassionate Response to Homosexuality” led by Neil Mammen, a local apologist, and Kevin Patao, a former homosexual and friend of Neil. Because of the nature of the seminar, they actually asked us not to give the information we received to homosexuals, so I won’t be publishing it in this public context, for fear of unnecessarily offending homosexuals with that which is not the gospel (1 Cor 9:12). However, if you would like the information, which is basically a rebuttal of 8 myths about homosexuality, you can email me or just comment here and I’ll get it to you.

To be clear, they clarified that they were not at all homophobic (afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality), nor were they disgusted with homosexuals. They simply believe that homosexuality is clearly contrary to God’s intended and clear plan for human sexuality (Rom 1:18-32). Those in this lifestyle don’t simply need to get out of the lifestyle; they need the forgiveness of God that comes with a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that comes by repentance from sin (of which only one of them is homosexuality) and faith in Jesus Christ. In fact, if I were to witness to a homosexual, I probably wouldn’t address that sin directly, but would talk about sins that are common to us all, like lying and pride and blasphemy. In that context, when they realize the nature of sin, they might then understand what I mean when I say homosexuality is a sin. It doesn’t simply mean that I don’t like it; it means that it is contrary to God’s design for ideal human affairs, and ultimately runs contrary to His moral law.

Romans 1 is so clear about this issue. And let me make it clear that it lumps the punishment for homosexuality together with that for disobeying one’s parents, so it’s not as if I’m raising this issue above any other. God hates sin! All of it! It requires him to destroy people who bear His image. Yet the grace of God is greater than ANY of your sin. So never think you’ve out sinned God’s grace. Such a thought is only your own pride. He will forgive you, but He does so only on His terms: repentance and faith. Don’t wait to do that.


Julie Logan said...

The unfortunate thing about this test is that it is supposed to be from a Christian organization. They came and talked in my class and were reading verses (even though they were from the message paraphrase). I was thinking that same thing. The girl who commented above me is the girl who read your review on Velvet Elvis, just to let you know. You could comment her if you want, considering she never commented you.

Thank you for commenting!

Anonymous said...

Do you think you could send the information to me? My e-mail address is on facebook.
