Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ephesians 1:11-14

It’s about time for a Bible journal again. Actually, I’m supposed to be doing these twice a week, both of them being due on Thursday. That means I’m technically behind, because I have to do two in one day. Well, here is Ephesians 1:11-14. It’s got a lot bottled up in 4 verses. The whole INTO THROUGH BEYOND thing is just a formality for the class… I just post the journal as it is seen on the paper I turn in.

The book of Ephesians was most definitely written by the apostle Paul. The intended recipient is in question, though, as some scholars believe it might have just been written to the entire church is Asia Minor, being sent to the capital first, which just so happened to be Ephesus. This, of course, is of no consequence. Paul addresses theological doctrine and Christian living in this epistle.

Paul continues from the last section saying that we who have been predestined by God have a secure reward (v.11). Those who have believed in Christ are guaranteed an inheritance, because the Holy Spirit seals us in God (v.13). All this is being done according to His perfect purpose and will in order to give Him glory (vv.12, 14).

Paul reveals a lot of deep truths in this passage in just a few words. He answers the question of “Can we lose our salvation?” No. “Who is ultimately in control?” God. “Why does God choose to save some?” For His glory. All these can sometimes be burning questions in the Christian’s mind, and personally it is a reminder of mightily encouraging truths that have already, thankfully, been burned into my head and heart. The idea that I can lose my salvation is horrifying and would put a terrible burden on my shoulders that God never meant to put there. Secondly, God is in control. This means that I cannot be responsible for saving anyone, only He can do that. Sometimes I convince myself that people can be argued into the faith. The more I try to, the more I realize that without God I am bound to fail. Only he can change hearts, and that’s what he wants – a change of heart, not a change of mind. Thirdly that ultimately the reason he saves and does not save people is for His glory. God is the most important being in existence, and He deserves what He gives Himself. Living with this conviction and assurance radically changes my mindset, allowing me to focus on Him as supreme, rather than my pride as important.

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